Kiadványok |
Cím: | névSoros - XX. Publikáció külföldi tudományos lapokban |
Szerző: | Kardos László (szerk) |
Sorozatcím: | |
A kiadás helye: | Pilisborosjenő |
A kiadás éve: | 1995 |
Kiadó: | Soros Alapítvány |
Terjedelem: | |
Nyelv: | magyar |
Tárgyszavak: | Soros Alapítvány |
Állomány: | |
Megjegyzés: | ![]() |
Annotáció: | |
ISBN: | |
ISSN: | |
Raktári jelzet: | E |
Ács Zsuzsanna | Endocrinology |
Ács Zsuzsanna | Life Sciencis |
Ádám Péter | Physical Review Letters |
Ádám Péter | The Physical Review A |
Ádám Péter | Optics Communications |
Ádány Róza | British Journal of Haematology |
Ádány Róza | Journal of Clinical Pathology |
Ádány Róza | The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry |
Ajtony Zsolt | Journal of Less Common Metals |
Alföldi Sándor | Journ. of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism |
Alföldi Sándor | Journal of Hypertension |
Alföldi Sándor | Journal of Hypertension |
Alföldi Sándor - Farkas Csaba | Life Sciences |
Antal Magda | Nutrition Reports International |
Antal Miklós | European Journal of Neuroscience |
Antalóczy Zoltán | Applied Optics |
Antalóczy Zoltán | Journal of Applied Optics |
Antalóczy Zoltán | Journal of Electrocardiology |
Antalóczy Zoltán | Journal of Electrocardiology |
Apagyi Barnabás | Physical Review A |
Arany István | Cancer Biochemistry Biophysics |
Bainter Károly | The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry |
Bakonyi Imre | JournalLess-Common Metals |
Bakonyi Imre | Materials Science and Engineering |
Bakonyi Imre | Physical Review B |
Bakonyi Imre | Physical Review B |
Bakonyi Imre | The Physical Review B |
Bakos József | The Physical Review |
Bakos Tamás | Synthetic Communications |
Balázs Ervin | Virus/Genes |
Balázs Márta | American Journal of Surgical Pathology |
Balázs Márta | Diseases of the Colon and Rectum |
Bálint Péter | Kidney International |
Banai Miklós | Journal of Mathematical Physics |
Banai Miklós | Modern Physics Letters A |
Bányász István | Optics Communicatiens |
Barabás Miklós | Journal of the Optical Society of America |
Barabási Albert László | Physical Review A. |
Bárdos László | Int. Journal fór Vitamin and Nutrition Research |
Barna István | Acta Endocrinologica |
Barna Vetró Ildikó | Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
Barócsi Attila | Optical Engineering |
Bazsa György | Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Beck Mihály | Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Beck Mihály | Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Beck Mihály | Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Beck T. Mihály | International Journal of Chemical Kinetics |
Beczner Judit | Food Structure |
Bencze László | High Temperature Science |
Bene Gyula | Physical Review A. |
Benedict Mihály | Journal of Mathematical Physics |
Benedict Mihály | Physical Review A |
Benedict Mihály | Physical Review D, |
Benedict Mihály | The Physical Review A |
Benyhe Sándor | Nevrochemistry International |
Berceli Tibor | IEEE Trans. ön Microwave Theory and Techniques |
Bereczki Dániel | Metabolic Brain Disease |
Berényi Dénes | Physical Review A |
Berényi Dénes | X-ray Spectroscopy in Atomié and Solid State Phys. |
Berta Árpád | Mémories de la Société Finno-Ougrienne |
Bognár Rezső | Heterocycles |
Bondár István | Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America |
Boros András | Acta Anatomica |
Borsodi Anna | Life Sciences |
Bozóky Béla | Acta Neuropathologica |
Bózsik Béla Pál | Proceeding ön Lyme Borrellosis Update-Europe |
Braun Tibor | Journal of Chemical Inf. and Computer Sciences |
Breznovits Ágnes | ín Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology |
Czirják László | Clinical Rheumatology |
Csaba György | Biochemical and Biophysical Rés. Communications |
Csaba György | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Commun. |
Csaba György | Cellular and Molecular Biology |
Csaba György | Cellular and Molecular Biology |
Csaba György | Cellular and Molecular Biology |
Csaba György | Journal Submicr.Cytol |
Csaba György | Journal of Submicroscopic |
Csaba György | Life Sciences |
Csaba György | Progress in Comparative Endocrinology |
Csabai István | Physical Review D |
Császár Attila Géza | Spectrochim Acta, Part A |
Cserny István | Physical Review B. |
Csikor Ferenc | Physical Review D. |
Csikor Ferenc | Physical Review D. |
Csikor Ferenc | The Physical Rewiew D |
Csillag Ferenc | Remote Sensing of Environment |
Csótó Attila | Physical Review A |
Csótó Attila | Physical Review C |
Dankó Miklós | Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Psysiology |
Darvas Béla | Journal of Economic Entomology |
Deák Gyula | Journal of Medicina! Chemistry |
Deli József | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry |
Deli József | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry |
Demeter Judit | Leukémia |
Demetrovics János | Comptes Rendus Mathematiques |
Diósi Lajos | The Journal of Chemical Physics |
Ditrói Ferenc | Buletin of the American Physical Society |
Dolinszky Tamás | IL Nuovo Cimento |
Dolinszky Tamás | Physical Review A. |
Dombrády Zsolt | Physical Review C |
Domokos Péter | The Physical Review |
Donkó Zoltán | The Physical Review |
Elekes Károly | Neuroscience |
Éliás Béla | Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science |
Fábián Tibor | Acta of the 79th F.D.I.Annual World Dental Congress |
Faigel Gyula | Physical Review B |
Faragó Anna | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications |
Faragó Anna | FEBS Letters |
Faragó Anna | FEBS Letters |
Farkas Győző | The Physical Review A |
Farkas István | Heterocycles |
Farkas Viktor | Headache in Children and Adolescents |
Fáth Gábor | Physical Review B |
Fáth Gábor | The Physical Review B |
Fekete Sándor | Laboratory Animál Science |
Fényes Tibor | Physics Letters B |
Fényes Tibor | The Physical Review C |
Fényes Tibor | The Physical Review C |
Fényes Tibor | The Physical Review C-2 |
Fenyvesi András | Bulletin of the American Physical Soc. |
Fésűs László | The Journal of Biological Chemistry |
Filep János | American Journal of Physiology |
Filep János | Biochem. Biophys. Research Communication |
Filep János | British Journal of Pharmacology |
Fiók János | Acta Cardiologica |
Fischer János | Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry |
Fodor Zoltán | Physical Review D |
Fodor Zoltán | Physical Review D |
Fodor Zoltán | Physical Review D. |
Földesi Imre | Physical Review |
Freund Tamás | Journal of Comparative Neurology |
Freund Tamás | Journal of Neuroscience |
Freund Tamás | Journal of Neuroscience |
Freund Tamás | Proceedings of the National Academy of Se. |
Freund Tamás | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA |
Freund Tamás | The Journal of Comparative Neurology |
Fried Miklós | Journal of Applied Physics |
Fried Miklós | Journal of Applied Physics |
Fried Miklós | Physical Review B |
Furka István | Congress book, Milán |
Furka István | Fibrin Sealant in Operatíve Medicine Gynaecology. |
Fuxreiter Mónika | Heterocycles |
Gáspár Csaba | Procedings of the Conference BETECH 87 |
Gazdag László | Int. Kongr. für Relativitaet und Garvitation |
Gazdag László | Speculations ín Science and Technology |
Geszti Tamás | The Physical Rewiew B |
Gimes Gábor | Recent Reports ön Gynecological Endocrinology |
Gláz Edit | Journal of Endocrinological Investigation |
Glück Ferenc | Physical Review, D |
Gogolák Zoltán János | Otics Letters |
Góth László | Clinical Chemistry |
Góth László | Enzyme |
Góth László | Enzyme |
Góth László | Enzyme |
Góth László | Enzyme Protein |
Groma Géza | Biophysical Journal |
Guczi László | Chemical Eng. Communication |
Guczi László | Inorganic Chemistry |
Guczi László | Journal of. Physical Chemistry |
Gulyás Attila | Natúré |
Gulyás Attila | Neuroscience |
Gulyás Attila | Neuroscience |
Gulyás János | Physical Review C |
Gulyás László | Physical Review A |
Gulyás László | The Physical Review |
Gunda Tamás | Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Gundy Sarolta | Oncology |
Gundy Sarolta | Oncology |
Gyarmati Borbála | Physical Review A |
Gyarmati Borbála | The Physical Rewiew A |
Hackl Lajosné Tölgyesi M. | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics |
Hajdú Csaba | Physical Review B. |
Hajnóczky György | Endocrinology |
Hajnóczky György | Endocrinology |
Hámori József | Journal Comparative Neurology |
Hámori József | Journal Comparative Neorology |
Hankiss Elemér | American Journal of Sociology |
Hankiss Elemér | American Sociological Review |
Hársfalvi Jolán | Thrombosis and Heamostasis |
Hegedűs Tibor | Pub. of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific |
Hercz Péter | Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand |
Heszler Péter | Applied Spectroscopy |
Komolya László | The Journal of Biological Chemistry |
Homonnay Zoltán | Mettalurgical Transactions |
Horváth Viktor | Physical Review Letters |
Horváth Zsolt | Applied Physics Letters |
Horváth Zsolt | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics |
Horváth Zsolt | Journal of Applied Physics |
Horváth Zsolt | Journal of Applied Physics |
Horváth Zsolt | Journal of Applied Physics |
Horváth Zsolt József | Journal of Applied Physics |
Hullám Lehel | Cancer Biochem. Biophysics |
Iglói Ferenc | Physical Review B |
Inzelt György | The Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Iványi Antal | Ars Combinatoria |
Iványi Antal | Discrete Applied Mathematics |
Jakab László | Applied Optics |
Jakab László | Applied Optics |
Jánosi Imre | Physical Review |
Jánosi Imre | Physical Review Letters |
Jánosi Imre | The Physical Review A |
Jánosi Imre Miklós | Physical review A. |
Jánossy István | Physical Review A |
Jánossy István | Physical Review A |
Jánossy István | The Physical Review |
Janszky József | Physical Review Letters |
Janszky József | The Physical Review |
Janszky József | The Physical Review A |
Jermendy György | Cardiology |
Joó Ferenc | Journal Neurochemistry |
Joó Ferenc | Progress in Brain Research |
Joó Ferenc | Progress in Brain Research |
Joó Ferenc | Raven Press |
Juhász Béla | Journal of Clinical Ultrasound |
Kálmán Mihály | The Journal of Comparative Neurology |
Kálmán Péter | Physical Review A |
Kálmán Péter | Physical Review A |
Kálmán Péter | Physical Review A. |
Kálmán Péter | Physical Review A. |
Kálmán Péter | Physical Review A. |
Kálmán Péter | Physical Review A. |
Kálmán Péter | Physical Review C |
Kálmán Péter | Physical Review C |
Kálmán Péter | The Physical Review A |
Kálmán Péter | The Physical Review A |
Kálmán Péter | The Physical Review C |
Kaposi Olivér | Journal of the Less-Comman Metals |
Kapus András | The Journal of Biological Chemistry |
Kapuy Ede | Journal of Chemical Physics |
Karmos György | Event-Related Potentials of the Brain |
Károlyi Alice | American Review of Respiratory Disease |
Károlyi Alice | Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten |
Kárpáti Sarolta | Journal of Investigative Dermatology |
Kaufmann Zoltán | Physical Review A |
Kázmér Miklós | Tectonic Evolution of the Tethyan Region |
Keglevich György | Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Keglevich György | Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Keglevich György | Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Keglevich György | Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Keglevich György | Phosphorus and Sulfur |
Keglevich György | Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon |
Keglevich György | Phosphorus,Sulfur, Silicon and the Related Elements |
Keglevich György | Phosporus Sulfur and Silicon |
Kerekesné, Kárpáti Sarolta | Journal of Investigative Dermatology |
Keresztes Áron | Food Microstructure |
Keresztes Áron | Food Microstructure |
Keresztes Áron | Scanning Microscopy.. |
Kertész János | Physical Review A |
Készei Ernő | The Journal of Chemical Physics |
Ketskeméty István | Applied Spectroscopy |
Keviczky László | IEEE Transaction ön AC |
Kiss Imre | Orthopedics |
Kiss Tamás | Physical Review A |
Kocsis Bernát | American Journal of Physiology |
Kocsis Bernát | Journal of Applied Physiology |
Kocsis Bernát | Journal of Applied Physiology |
Kocsis Bernát | Journal of Physiology |
Koltay Ede | X-Ray Spectroscopy in Atomic and Solid State Phys. |
Konkol Attila | Journal of vacuum scienle and technology |
Kónya László | Free Radical Biology and Medicine |
Kopper László | Cőngress of American Assoc.of Cancer Research |
Kopper László | Oncology |
Kopper László | Oncology |
Korányi Tamás | Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
Kovács Etelka | Food Microstructure |
Kovács Etelka | Food Microstructure |
Kovács László | Biophysical Journal |
Kovács László | The Journal of General Physiology |
Kovács László | The Journal Physiology |
Kovács Zoltán | Physical Review A |
Kőhegyi Mihály | Südostdeutsches Archív |
Kremmer Tibor | Experimental Cell Biology |
Krenács Tibor | Journal of Histotechnology |
Kriza György | Physical Review B |
Kriza György | Physical Review B. |
Kruppa András Tibor | The Physical Review C |
Kruppa András Tibor | The Physical Review C |
Kubászova Tamara | Photochemistry and Photobiology |
Kugler Sándor | Physical Review B. |
Kugler Sándor | The Physical Review B |
Kugler Sándor | The Physical Review B |
Kugler Sándor | The Physical Review B. |
Kun Ferenc | Plenum Publishing Corporation |
Kun Ferenc | Proceedings ön System thinking in Europe |
Kun Ferenc | Operational Research and the Social Sciences |
Kupcsulik Péter | Acta of International College of Surgeons |
Kuzmann Ernő | Active and Passive Electronic Components |
Kuzmann Ernő | Journal Electrochemical Society |
Kuzmann Ernő | Physical Review A |
Ladányi Andrea | International Journal of Cancer |
Ladányi Károly | Physical Review A |
Ladányi Károly | The Physical Review |
Ladányi Károly | The Physical Review A |
Ladányi Károly | The Physical Rewiew |
Lapis Károly | Journal of Toxicology and Evironmental Health |
László Ferenc | Gastroenterology |
László István | Chemical Physics Letters |
László István | The Physical Review B |
Lázár Gyula | Journal of Comparative Neurology |
Lelkes Károly | II Nuovo Cimento |
Lelkes Károly | II Nuovo Cimento |
Lengyel Mária | The American Journal of Cardiology |
Lévai Géza | Physical Review C. |
Lévay Péter | Physical Review A |
Lévay Péter | Physical Review A |
Lévay Péter Pál | Physical Review Ál |
Lichtenberger János | Journal of Geophysical Research |
Liliom Károly | Journal of Biological Chemistry |
Littmann László | Archives of Internál Medicine |
Littmann László | Archives of Internál Medicine |
Littmann László | Chest |
Littmann László | The American Journal of Cardiology |
Lovas Rezső | Physical Review Letters |
Lovas Rezső György | The Physical Review C |
Lovas Rezső György | The Physical Review C |
Lövei Gábor | Current Omithology |
Macháty Zoltán | Assisted Reproductive Technology/Andrology |
Makai Mihály | Transport Theory and Statistical Physics |
Makara Gábor | Endocrinology |
Mándi András | Orthopedics |
Markó Tamás | Journal of Weather Modification |
Maros László | Analítical Chemistry |
Matolcsi Tamás | Physics Essays |
Matolcsy András | Acta Haematológica |
Medvegy Mihály | Journal of Electrocardiology |
Méhes Gábor | The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry |
Mesterházy Ákos | Phytopathology |
Mészáros Milán | Physics Essays |
Mészáros Milán | Physics Essays |
Mészáros Milán | Physics Essays |
Mihály György | Solid State Communication |
Mikó Tivadar László | Humán Pathology |
Mikó Tivadar László | International Journal of Gynecological Pathology |
Mojzes Imre | Applied Physics Letters |
Molnár György | Applied Physics Letters |
Mózes Tibor | Prostaglandins, Leukotriens and Essential |
Mózsik Gyula | Int. Journal Tiss. Reac. |
N. Szabó József | 11999' Zeitschrift fúr Sozialgeschichte... |
Nádasdy Tibor | Ultrastructural Pathology |
Nagy Ágnes | Physical Review B |
Nagy Bálint | Humán Reproduction |
Nagy György | Endocrinology |
Nagy István | Physical Review |
Nagy István | Physical Review A |
Nagy Judit | Clinical Nephrology |
Nagy Judit | Contr. Nephrology |
Nagy Judit | Nephron |
Nagy Sándor | European Surgical Research |
Nánai László | Journal of Applied Physics |
Náray-Szabó Gábor | Journal of Chemical Physics |
Nemes Zoltán | Blood |
Nemes Zoltán | Cancer |
Nemes Zoltán | Cancer |
Nemeskéri Ágnes | Neuroendocrinology |
Németh Péter | Breast Cancer Research and Treatment |
Niedermayer Ferenc | Physical Review Letters |
Noszál Béla | Analytical Chemistry |
Noszál Béla | Int. Journal Peptide and Protein Research |
Noszál Béla | Int. Journal of Peptide and Protein Research |
Noszál Béla | The Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Noszál Béla | The Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Oláh Katalin | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Orbán Miklós | Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Ormos Jenő | Histology and Histopathology |
Ormos Jenő - Nádasdy Tibor | Ultrastructural Pathology |
Orosz Ferenc | Molecular Pharmacology |
Orosz László | Molecular and General Genetics |
Orosz László | Nucleic Acids Research |
Orosz László | The Physical Review |
Orosz László | The Physical Review B |
Oszlányi Gábor | Physical Review B |
Ovádi Judit | Molecular Pharmacology |
Paál Zoltán | Applied Catalysis |
Paál Zoltán | Journal of Molecular Catalysis |
Paál Zoltán | Journal of Molecular Catalysis Vol. 51. No. 3. |
Paál Zoltán | Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Pajor Attila | Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation |
Pajor László | Histochemistry |
Pálffy György | /Springer Verlag/ |
Pálinkás József | The Physical Review |
Papp Elemér | Biophysical Journal |
Papp Tibor | The Physical Review A |
Papp Zoltán | Physical Review A |
Parti Mihály | Transaction of the ASAE |
Patonay Tamás | Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Pécz Béla | Applied Physics Letters |
Pécz Béla | Journal of Applied Physics |
Pécz Béla | Journal of Applied Physics |
Penc Kárlo | Physical Review B |
Penc Karlo | The Physical Rewiew B |
Perjés Zoltán | Journal of Mathematical Physics |
Petrovay Kristóf | The Astrophysical Journal |
Pipek János | Physical Review A15 |
Pitlik János | HeteroCorporation |
Pócsik István | Applied Physics Letters |
Polgár Katalin | The American Journal of Humán Genetics |
Pongor Gábor | Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Praveczki Endre | Physics Essays |
Rácz István | The Physical Review D |
Rácz Zoltán | Biomedizinische Technik |
Rácz Zoltán | Physical Review A |
Rácz Zoltán | Transfusion |
Rajna Péter | EPILEPSIA 30/2 |
Ráksi Ferenc | Applied Spectroscopy |
Ráksi Ferenc | IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics |
Révai János | Physical Review A |
Révai János | The Physical Review C |
Richter Péter | Applied Optics |
Richter Péter | Applied Optics |
Richter Péter | Journal of Applied Optics |
Ricz Sándor | Bulletin of Americ.Physic.Soc. |
Riesz Ferenc | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics |
Rihmer Zoltán | Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica |
Rívó Endre | Journal Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Rohrsetzer Sándor | Journal of Pulp and Paper Science |
Ropolyi László | II Nuovo Cimento della Soc.Italiana di Fisica |
Rudas Péter | Poultry Science |
Sarkadi László | Physical Review A |
Sarkadi László | Physical Review Letters |
Sarkadi László | Physical Review Letters |
Sárospataki Miklós | Environmental Entomology |
Schaff Zsuzsa | Journal Electron Microscopy Technique |
Schlammadinger József | Dermatologica |
Schlammadinger József | Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology |
Schmidt Péter | Dér Kinderarzt |
Schneider Gyula | Steroids |
Seress László | Journal of Comparative Neurology |
Sheuring István | Theoretical Population Biology |
Siklós Pál | Gynecol.Obstet Invest. |
Smidróczki Éva | The Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Sólyom Jenő | Physical Review B |
Somogyi Károly | Applied Physics Letters |
Somogyi László | Heterocycles |
Sörlei Zsuzsa | IEEE Jomal of Quantum Electronics |
Spat András | American Journal of Physiology |
Spat András | American Journal of Physiology |
Spat András | American Journal of Physiology |
Spat András | Biochemical Journal |
Spat András | Endocrinology |
Spat András | Endocrinology |
Spat András | Endocrinology |
Spat András | Experimental Physiology |
Spat András | Journal of Endocrinology |
Spat András | Journal of Molecular Endocrinology |
Spat András | Journal of Steroid Biochemistry |
Sulik Béla | Physical Review A |
Surján György | Otorhinolaryngology,Head and Neck Surgery |
Surján Péter | Joum. of Chemical |
Surján Péter | Physical Review A. |
Sutka József | Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
Szabó Elek | Functional Neurology |
Szabó István | Antimicrobiol Agents and Chemotherapy |
Szabó József | Avian Disease |
Szalay Viktor | Journal of Chemical Physics |
Szalontai Balázs | Biochemistry |
Szappanos László | Journal of Boné and Joint Surgery British Volume |
Szarka László | Geophysics |
Szarvas Gábor | Optical Engineering |
Szász András | NATO ASI Physics and Materials Sc.of High Temp.... |
Szeifert György | Surgical Neurology |
Székely Ádám | Journal of Electrocardiology |
Székely György | The European Journal of Neuroscience |
Szénási Gábor | American Journal of Physiology |
Szentpáli Béla | Journal of Applied Physics |
Szepesi Kálmán | Orthopedics |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physica A |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physica Scripta |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physical Review A |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physical Review A |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physical Review A |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physical Review A |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physical Review A |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physical Review A |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physical Review A. |
Szépfalusy Péter | Physical Review D |
Szépfalusy Péter | The Physical Review |
Szépfalusy Péter | The Physical Review |
Szépfalusy Péter | The Physical Review |
Szépfalusy Péter | The Physical Review A |
Szépfalusy Péter | The Physical Rewiew |
Szépfalusy Péter | The Physical Rewiew A |
Sziklai János | Physical Review C |
Szili László | The Physical Review |
Szirányi Tamás | IEEE Transactions ön Circuits and Systems |
Szirányi Tamás | Optical Engineering |
Szlávecz Katalin | The Veliger |
Szondy Zsuzsanna | Journal of Immunology |
Szótér László | Physical Review Letters |
Szörényi Tamás | SPIE Proceedings Vol 1033 |
Sztanó Orsolya | Geologica Ultraiectina |
Szűcs Gabriella | Clinical and Experimental Immunology |
Szűcs Géza | The Journal of General Physiology |
Szűcs Géza | The Journal of General Physiology |
Takács József | Experimental Brain Research |
Takács József | Experimental Brain Research |
Takács József | Journal of Neuroscience Research |
Takács Sándor | Bulletin of the Amarican Physical Soc. |
Takács Tamás | International Journal of Pancreatology |
Tél Tamás | Physical Review A |
Tél Tamás | The Physical Review A |
Tél Tamás | The Physical Review A |
Tél Tamás | The Physical Review A |
Tél Tamás | Zeitschrift fúr Naturforschung |
Tenczer József | American Journal Cardiology |
Tétényi Péter | Anals öt the Missouri Botanical Garden |
Tóth Csaba | Physical Review A |
Tóth Gábor | Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Tóth Kálmán | Physical Review D, |
Tóth Kálmán | The Physical Rewiew D |
Tóth Kálmán | The Pysical Review D |
Tóth Tibor | Child Nephrology and Urology |
Tóth Tibor | Nephron |
Tőke László | Heterocycles Vol 24 No 9 |
Török János | NATO ASI Ecological Series "G" |
Török Szabina | Applications of X-ray Analysis |
Török Tamás | Proceedings of the lOth Int. Congress ön Metallic |
Török Tamás István | Journal of Solution Chemistry |
Tulassay Tivadar | Journal of Clinical Investigation |
Tulassay Zsolt | British Medical Journal |
Tulassay Zsolt | Digestive Diseases and Scinces |
Tulassay Zsolt | Gastroenterology |
Tulassay Zsolt | Gastroenterology |
Tulassay Zsolt | The American Journal of Gastroenterology |
Tulassay Zsolt | The American Journal of Gastroenterology |
Tulassay Zsolt | The American Journal of Gastroenterology |
Tüttő István | Physical Review |
Tüttő István | The Physical Review Letters |
Újhelyi Eszter | Transfusion |
Varga Csaba | Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Varga Imre | Physical Review B |
Varga Imre | Physical Review B |
Varga Mihály | Medical Hypotheses |
Vass Tamás | Physical Review C |
Vatai Endre | The Physical Review A |
Vattay Gábor | Physical Review A |
Vecsernyés Péter | Progress of Theoretical Physics |
Vecsernyés Péter | The Physical Review D |
Végh László | Bulletin of the American Physical Society |
Végh László | Physical Review A |
Végh László | Physical Review A |
Végh László | The Physical Review A |
Végh László | The Physical Review A |
Vértes Csaba | The Electrochemical Society |
Veszprémi Tamás | Journal of American Chemical Society |
Veszprémi Tamás | Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Veszprémi Tamás | Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Vicsek Tamás | Physical Review A |
Vígh Béla | Archives of Histology and Cytology |
Vizi E. Szilveszter | Proceedings Office |
Vizkelety Tibor | Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics |
Vladár Károly | Progress of Theoretical Physics |
Vörös Károly | Journal of American Veterinary Medical Assoc. |
Wenger Tibor | Biology of Reproduction |
Wenger Tibor | Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavour |
Zaránd Gergely | Physical Review Letters |
Zawadowski Alfréd | The Physical Review B |
Zawadowski Alfréd | The Physical Review Letters |
Zombory László | IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits |
Zombory László | IEEE Transactions ön Antennas and Propagation |
Zöld Bálint | Perceptual and Motor Skills |
Kiadványok |